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Disaster Recovery

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Disaster Recovery

A robust backup architecture can certainly safeguard business data from accidental loss, and a business continuity plan ensures that the company's operations proceed smoothly even in the face of limited failures or malfunctions of the IT infrastructure.

However, it's not entirely possible to rule out the occurrence of unforeseen and significantly impactful events that could potentially halt the operations of a company's IT at a specific location or branch.

disaster recovery

To safeguard business operations from such situations, Computer Assistance can assist the client in designing and implementing a proper Disaster Recovery architecture. This involves a combination of hardware, software, and operational procedures aimed at swiftly reactivating the operations of a site that has been compromised, even if only temporarily.

In more detail, Computer Assistance can prepare a Disaster Recovery solution through the following phases:

  • Risk Assessment - Identify the risks that could affect the IT infrastructure of a specific site, estimating their impacts on operations.
  • Requirement nalysis - Identify critical systems, applications, and data to be protected, establishing how quickly these resources need to be restored.
  • Creation of a Recovery Site - Build and configure a parallel IT infrastructure, whether physical or virtual, where critical applications and data from the main site are regularly replicated. This ensures they are immediately available in case of an emergency.
  • Analysis and Definition of Preventive Operations - Study and implement backup/replication procedures and data/application protection necessary for Disaster Recovery.
  • Definition of the Recovery Plan - Precisely outline the processes and procedures to be executed in case of an emergency or system failure, ensuring prompt data and application restoration.
  • Definition of the Rollback Plan, when the main systems become available again.
  • Architecture Testing - In a controlled manner, simulate emergency conditions to concretely verify that the Disaster Recovery process functions as intended.
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Computer Assistance s.r.l.
C.F. e P. IVA 01778271203
REA N. 387550. REO. IMP. 162672/97
Cap. Soc. int. vers. € 10.200,00 
Codice Univoco FE M5UXCR1
Codice Eori IT01778271203

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